Sunday, June 04, 2006

it's happy bunny: Life. Get One: and other words of wisdom and junk that will make you wise or something by Jim Benton

"So you want to get wise, do you? Well, you could read Confucius or Socrates. You could study Solomon or Plato. But only one form of wisdom truly has a lot of pictures of bunnies...."

Ahhh, bunny wisdom. Immerse yourself in thoughts such as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Unless, of course, they did unto you first, and now you have to totally open a can of "unto" on them." Learn whether the glass is really half empty or half full. Gather valuable life skills from "The Fable of the Excellent Bunny." And discover how to correctly judge people.

Shorter than the Tao of Pooh and more cynical than Chicken Soup for the Soul, fans of Jim Benton's sardonic "happy bunny" will relish this useful advice imparted by cute bunnies. But remember, "Any wisdom one gets from a bunny is probably not that hot. For your own safety, please do not take the advice of bunnies."

Learn more at HCL, Amazon, and happy bunny books.

Subjects: happy bunny, Life.

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