"And inside his head, he was suddenly in a different place and time. A city street at night? A truck--or was it a van?--was bearing down on Harlan. He could see the expanding headlights, could watch the vehicle veering to one side as the driver tried to swerve away at the last second.
It was too late."
Manny has been dreaming, lately...about drowning. The dreams are terrifying, puzzling, and very real. Harlan's been having inexplicable panic attacks. Two boys from different worlds, Manny is an unassuming geek while Harlan is the popular son of a local politician. Both boys are startled by the sudden onset of their nightmares and anxiety, and puzzled by the cause. Hartinger spins an unusual tale in this brief thriller.
SLJ recommends grades 9 and up.
Learn more at HCL, Amazon, and here.
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